April 2021
We wanted to update you all on our current situation and thinking regarding the UK Bus Awards. It is as important as ever that those within the Bus and Coach Industry are recognised for their efforts and achievements. We will be planning an event which will include Coach, as there have been innumerable brilliant things happen in both industries, and this will be more beneficial to our supporters and participants.
Ordinarily, we would be now seeking entries for the usual November, UKBA event. However, given the situation within the industry and the challenges ahead for all our friends and colleagues, we will be working on a virtual alternative to our usual ceremony.
Following our highly successful and well received video presentation last November, we are working on an exciting alternative event which will again recognise and reward excellence, whilst reflecting the major challenges facing everyone. We will recognise the fantastic achievements by our industry colleagues and look at those brilliant things being done to prepare the bus and coach sectors for the future.
We are working with our Management Committee to finalise plans and there will be more news to follow shortly!
We remain steadfast in our support of the whole road passenger transport industry, and our best wishes are with you all during these challenging times.
If you would like further clarification or information then please do contact us.